YGroup (Youth Group) - for students in 7th -12th grades
YGroup (Youth Group) - for students in 7th -12th grades
Regular Wednesday Schedule
YGroup meeting at the church at 7pm.
6:30pm Church is open. Come in, relax, play some games, meet, and eat...
7:00pm-8:30pm YGroup at the church.
Typical schedule:
6:30 We typically start with some social time, crowd breaker, game, etc while we are waiting for students to arrive.
7:00 - 8:00 We gather for a challenge, prayer, object lesson, etc.
8:00 - 8:30 - Refreshments, games, bonfire, social time, etc
Some students are picked up and/or leave 8:30ish - some students stay and socialize until about 9.