Sunday School

Do you know who Abraham, Jonah and Noah are? Do you know the 10 commandments and the miracles of Jesus? Can you find Micah in the Bible?

If not, it's time to get to school - Sunday School, that is. Help yourself and your kids from growing up biblically illiterate.

Join us for donuts and coffee Sunday, Sept. 8th at 9 a.m. at Bible Baptist Church, 19700 Akin Road, Farmington for an introduction to Sunday School.

Sunday School classes meet at the church at 8:45am during the school year (starting Sunday, Sept. 8).

Children's classes taught by Len II & Diane Dexter, Len III & Patty Dexter, & Greg & Tracy Trok.

JH & SH student class taught by Judson Weniger.

Ladies class taught by Deanna Weniger.

Adult classes taught by Luis Camacho, & Ray Pope.